Andre Shakti
Andre Shakti is a journalist, educator, performer, activist, and professional slut living in Baltimore, MD. She is devoted to normalizing alternative desires, de-stigmatizing sex workers and their clients, and not taking herself too seriously. Andre wrestles mediocre white men into submission is the reigning polyamory pundit at her biweekly non-monogamy advice column “I Am Poly(amorous) & So Can You!”, which you can visit – and submit questions to! – via She also helms Baltimore OUTLoud’s LGBTQ+ advice column “The In & Out” and holds court as’s resident sexpert. Andre frequently lectures, coaches and advises on the intersecting issues of sexual health, politics and pleasure, race, trauma, gender, sex worker rights, non-monogamy and queerness. When not working, Andre can typically be found marathoning “Law & Order: SVU” under a chaotic pile of partners and pitbulls, and yes, she knows how problematic that show is. Andre encourages you to connect with her on Facebook via “Andre Shakti”, follow her NSFW exploits on Twitter via @andreshakti, and support her Patreon via